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5 Tips for Effective Blogging

Blogging can boost your customer base, increase brand awareness and sales, and position your business as a thought leader. But doing it effectively, capturing your target customers’ attention, and building trust with them requires skill and strategy. Here are five tips to promote and expand your business through blogging:

  1. Your blog should be geared toward current and potential customers, so the content should be relevant and interesting to them. Who is your intended audience? Your subject matter should address topics of concern to your current and potential customers. What questions do they often ask related to your product or service? For example, a solar company may post blogs explaining how solar panels work, whether they’re effective on cloudy days, what net metering is, or whether solar increases home value. Not only do you answer questions your customers may have, you demonstrate your expertise in your industry.
Blogging REG
  • Make your blog easy to read. Avoid industry jargon and long paragraphs that seem to go on forever. Present your information in plain English and double-check for spelling or grammatical errors. Your credibility as an expert depends not only on your content, but on how you present it. Use infographics, charts, and photos if relevant to break up text.
  • Post blogs consistently. Adding new content to your website with regular blog posts is a good way to increase your organic ranking on search engines. The frequency of your blog posts depends on your company, resources, and your ability to generate valuable content. You don’t have to blog every day, but create a schedule to keep yourself on track. Consider inviting guest bloggers to get different perspectives and fresh ideas.
  • Repurpose your blogs for other marketing channels. Consider editing content from your blogs for newsletters, podcasts, or social media posts.
  • Measure your results. Use tools such as Google Analytics to track and monitor which pages of your website and which blog topics are most popular and get the most views.

Need help creating blog content? The Ripple Effect Group, REG, is a full service marketing agency located in Rocky Hill, Connecticut. REG provides content creation for blogs that drives more keyword traffic to your site! Please reach out to help@theRippleEffectGroup.com to get started today!


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